Unicorn Bouquet - A Sprinkle of Fairy Tale in Every Petal!
Dive into a world where myths come alive, and dreams flutter with petals! Our Unicorn Bouquet, designed with exquisite artistry, brings forth the enchanting essence of unicorns, whisking you away on a cloud of fragrant fantasy.
Highlights of the Unicorn Bouquet
A Radiant Assembly
They are crafted with fresh seasonal flowers that seem to have danced out of a unicorn's dream - with vibrant roses, gleaming goldenrod, and alstroemeria whispering tales of old.
Customizable Wonders
Want to sprinkle a tad more whimsy? Personalize your bouquet! Add colours that sing to you, send a secret message, or pop in a sweet treat. Every Unicorn Bouquet can wear the colour of your love.
Swift and Fresh - Right to Your Doorstep
With Flower Guy's impeccable delivery services in Cape Town, every bouquet arrives fresh, swift, and ready to dazzle.
A Dance with the Seasons
Cut flower stems in this delightful creation might vary, all thanks to the seasonal waltz and the ever-changing flower market. But worry not, any significant twirls or changes, and our team's on the horn, giving you a buzz!
Flower Guy - Blooming Tales of Love & Kindness
At Flower Guy, every petal carries a story, every fragrance a memory. We're not just about flowers; we're about moments. Our bouquets are for the brave-hearted, those who wear their heart on their sleeves and shout their love from the rooftops. Flowers, after all, are the universe's way of winking at us, telling us that every moment is worth celebrating.
From celebrations to silent tears, flowers have been our companions, teaching us the art of cherishing, the joy of giving, and the serene beauty of the present moment.
A Tapestry of Passion and Petals
Created from an undying love for flowers and the emotions they carry, Flower Guy aims to be the bridge between hearts. With dreams as vast as the sky, we aim to deliver a million flower bouquets by 2027, touching lives, one petal at a time.
Flower Guy Values - The Roots of Our Blossoms
KINDNESS: More than a mere word, it's the heartbeat of Flower Guy. It's in the gentleness of a touch, the warmth of a smile, the depth of an unspoken word. Kindness is love in action.
CONNECTION: In a world overflowing with links, authentic ones are rare. At Flower Guy, every bouquet is a thread that binds hearts, creating genuine relationships and weaving a tapestry of shared moments.
APPRECIATION: With almost four decades in the gifting arena, we're not just florists but storytellers. Every bouquet tells a story, a tale of gratitude, an ode to love.
Types of Flowers - A Garden of Choices!
Roses: Love's heralds! They don't just bloom; they serenade with tales of passion and whispers of promises.
Goldenrod: More than a dash of sparkle. These sun-kissed blooms carry tales of undying loyalty and golden moments.
Alstroemeria: Also known as the chatty chums of the floral world, these are the ambassadors of friendship, always ready with a joyous jig or a comforting cuddle.
Ornamental Kale: The fashionistas of the bouquet! With their ruffled leaves and dramatic hues, they sashay into any arrangement, adding a pinch of panache and a dollop of drama.
With such a dazzling cast, every Flower Guy bouquet is not just an arrangement but a performance. Curtain's up! Which story are you set to send?